10 High Protein Foods that Are Good for Weight Loss

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1. Chicken Breast

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Skinless, boneless chicken breast is a lean source of protein and is low in fat. It's versatile and can be used in various recipes.

2. Turkey

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Turkey is another lean meat that's high in protein. Ground turkey or turkey breast can be a part of a weight loss-friendly diet.

3. Fish

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Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in protein and healthy fats. They can help keep you full and support overall health.

4. Lean Beef

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Lean cuts of beef, such as sirloin or tenderloin, provide high-quality protein. Choose lean cuts to minimize saturated fat intake.

5. Eggs

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Eggs are a great source of high-quality protein, and the yolks also contain essential nutrients. They are versatile and can be included in various dishes.

6. Greek Yogurt

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Greek yogurt is rich in protein and probiotics, which can aid digestion. Choose plain, non-fat or low-fat varieties for a lower calorie option.

7. Tofu

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Tofu is a plant-based protein source and is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. It's versatile and can be used in both savory and sweet dishes.

8. Lentils

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Lentils are a legume high in protein and fiber, making them a filling and nutritious choice for weight loss.

9. Quinoa

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Quinoa is a grain that's relatively high in protein compared to other grains. It's also rich in fiber and essential nutrients.

10. Cottage Cheese

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Cottage cheese is a low-fat dairy product that's high in protein. It can be eaten on its own or added to recipes.

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