8 Quiet Dog Breeds That Don't Bark As Much As Others

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1. Basenji

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Often referred to as the "barkless dog," Basenjis make unique noises but are not big barkers. They're known for their yodel-like sounds.

2. Bulldog

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Bulldogs are typically calm and don't bark a lot. They are more prone to snorting and snuffling.

3. Bernese Mountain Dog

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This breed tends to be calm and laid-back, barking infrequently unless they sense something unusual.

4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

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Known for their affectionate nature, Cavaliers are not known to be excessive barkers.

5. Whippet

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Whippets are generally quiet dogs and tend not to bark much, although they might alert you if something seems amiss.

6. Great Dane

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Despite their size, Great Danes are often referred to as "gentle giants" and are not usually excessive barkers.

7. Newfoundland

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These large dogs are calm and typically only bark if there's a reason, such as alerting their owners.

8. Greyhound

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Like Whippets, Greyhounds are known for being quiet dogs and are more likely to bark infrequently.

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