Top 8 Rare and Special Dog Breeds

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1. Azawakh

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The Azawakh is an elegant and slender breed originally from West Africa. They are known for their incredible speed and agility, making them excellent hunting and coursing dogs. They have a loyal and independent nature.

2. Catalan Sheepdog

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This breed hails from Catalonia, Spain, and is known for its herding abilities. They are medium-sized dogs with a shaggy coat and a lively, intelligent disposition.

3. Norwegian Lundehund

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This small, spitz-type dog is originally from Norway and was developed to hunt puffins on steep cliffs. They have unique physical traits, including six toes on each foot, and are known for their flexibility and agility.

4. Otterhound

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The Otterhound is a large breed originally bred for hunting otters in England. They have a distinctive rough, water-resistant coat and a friendly, amiable disposition.

5. Thai Ridgeback

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This breed originates from Thailand and is known for the ridge of hair along its back, which grows in the opposite direction to the rest of the coat. They are intelligent, independent, and make loyal companions.

6. Canaan Dog

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This ancient breed has its origins in the Middle East and is believed to be one of the oldest known dog breeds. They are intelligent, independent, and make excellent watchdogs.

7. Finnish Lapphund

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Originating from Lapland, Finland, this breed was traditionally used for herding reindeer. They are known for their friendly, gentle nature and their thick double coat.

8. Bergamasco Shepherd

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This Italian breed is known for its distinctive coat, which forms mats that protect it from harsh weather and predators. They are intelligent, loyal, and make excellent herding dogs.

8 Most Brave Dog Breeds In The World